If you didn’t live through the 90’s, you missed out on some of the best and the worst things to happen to our society. The 90’s was a time of grunge, pop bands, and the beginning of the Internet. Unfortunately, much like things from the 80’s and 70’s, some things are just better left in the past.
The greatest thing about our world is that it’s always progressing and evolving. And in the generation we live in today, it’s easy to be nostalgic and daydream about what society used to be — before all the cellphones and free wifi.
So if you’re feeling nostalgic, take a stroll down memory lane with us as we remember things that were socially acceptable back then that definitely aren’t today.
1. Memorizing your friends’ phone numbers.
Back then it was very necessary to memorize phone numbers as all we had were land line home phones. There was no smartphone that kept our contacts saved and organized. Today if you memorize someone’s number, it’s kind of creepy.
2. Recording your favorite songs onto cassette tapes.
Remember when you had to wait for your favorite song to come onto the radio just so you could record it onto a cassette tape? Cassette tapes back then were the equivalent to our MP3s now, just a lot lower quality.
3. Surprising people by pushing them into pools.
Pushing people into pools back then was fun and funny as no cellphones were involved. Today if you get pushed into a pool with a cellphone in your pocket, it’s going to not only cost you $500 but also might ruin a friendship.
4. Chaining your wallet to your pants.
Back then chaining your wallet was a fashion statement. It’s not really considered stylish in any form today. It is however a practical way of keeping your wallet from randomly falling out of your pocket.
5. Knocking on someone’s door unannounced.
In the 90’s, it was normal to knock on someone’s door unexpectedly to check if they’re home or not. Today, that’s just weird. The normal thing to do is call or text.
6. Thinking someone’s dead because you haven’t spoken to them in several hours.
Today, if your friend doesn’t respond to you within a few hours, you’ll most likely think they’re dead. Back then it was normal to not communicate as often.
7. Frosted Tips
Oh frosted tips — the top tips of short hair being bleached into the color blonde. It was okay back then maybe even deemed attractive by a few, but definitely not okay today.
8. Using a physical map.
Can you believe we used to live in a world where GPS didn’t exist? People had to actually use physical maps or even worse, print out step by step directions of how to get to the destination.
9. Making plans and actually showing up.
Back then it was normal to make plans in advance and then just showing up to those plans without having to confirm anything in between. I guess people were just more reliable back then.
10. Not informing someone that you’re going to be late.
Back then there was no text messaging or phone calls for that matter once you left the house. If you were going to be late, the person waiting for you had no choice but to just wait without any warning.
11. Saying goodbye without a plane ticket.
Back then, we were able to bid our farewells all the way at the gate at the airport without having to obtain a plane ticket. Nowadays, you bid your farewells after you drop them off at the airport.
12. Puka Shell Necklaces
They were cool back then, but they’re definitely not as cool today. Probably the only acceptable people to sport these necklaces are surfer dudes or Dave Matthews fans.
13. Smoking inside restaurants and bars.
Definitely happy this one is forever in the past. I mean who likes to have the scent of cigarettes lingering over their food?
14. Dial-Up Internet.
Who remembers that awful computer sound every time you connected to the Internet? It went something like “Pshhhkkkkkkrrrrkakingkakingkakingtshchchchchchchchcchdingdingding.”No kids today would put up for that annoying sound nor long process of signing into Internet.
15. Rewinding just about anything.
Thank goodness we have Netflix and Hulu in today’s generation. Back then, to rewind or even fast forward to a particular scene, you had to physically sit there and do it.
16. Wearing more than one article of denim at once.
Also known as the infamous “Canadian suit.” It’s just way too much denim. But you know what, to each their own. But let’s keep this one in the past.
17. Bleached Curls
Bleached hair so curled it looks like ramen noodles. That’s right, we’re talking about you Justin Timberlake. That hair would definitely be ridiculed in today’s world.